SEE Careers: Oil and Gas Field Inspector 

Knowing all of your options is critical when deciding what career to pursue. A college degree has been the obvious student choice for many years. However, increasing tuition rates and potential debt have made students take a step back. Attitudes surrounding college degrees are beginning to shift. Alternative career paths are not only available but in high demand. For those in high school searching for a great career, steady salary, an outdoor work environment, and a chance to make a positive impact, consider pursuing a career in the energy sector as an oil and gas field inspector. With the recent federal funding of the REGROW (Revive Economic Growth and Reclaim Orphaned Wells) Act, oil and gas field inspectors are in high demand to solve both the energy and environmental challenges of the country. A government job in regulatory oversight could provide a stable and well-paying position that could turn into a long-term career path. 

The Fight Against Plastic in 2023

The Industrial Revolution brought about a sequence of events that dramatically changed the planet’s trajectory. After centuries of consistency, the days of monarchies, travel on horseback, and buying clothes strictly out of necessity slowly faded into the past. New technologies and the ability to use natural resources to maximize and produce energy made it possible for inventions like the steam engine, electric generators, and the incandescent lightbulb to bring humanity into a new age. In a short span, factories made it possible for clothing to be more accessible to the average person. Trains and then cars became standard methods of transportation. Suddenly, crops could be grown in abundance like never before. 

What is Career Connected Learning?

Career-Connected Learning, sometimes referred to as Work-Based Learning, is an educational model that introduces students to career paths and employment opportunities through interactive programs and partnerships with established business entities, professionals, and experts in different fields. It is a model that has successfully been adopted worldwide and has proven effective in carving a path to fill skills gaps in industries lacking qualified job applicants. 

The Importance of Collective Learning in Energy Education for Collective Action in the Energy Sector

Our ability to pass on information from generation to generation, known as collective learning, stands as a hallmark of what makes us unique as human beings. Before modern civilization, it was imperative to communicate knowledge regarding animal migration, safe vegetation, and climate patterns to survive in the wild. The knowledge we have accumulated over centuries has allowed us to advance far beyond any other animal on the planet and continues to be a pivotal factor contributing to our future.

What to expect from the energy sector in 2022

The New Year has finally come, so let us raise a toast to new beginnings and new opportunities. Energy is an integral part of our lives and is one of the most sought-after products in the world. Energy conservation efforts, scientific discoveries, and the general human desire to improve our daily lives will always be conducive to change. History has demonstrated that minor occurrences and ideas can lead to technology’s most innovative leaps forward.