Christian Garza
How does Christian define energy? “Energy is the measure of work to exert a force causing some linear or thermal change, it is what powers the world and every system that is capable of work.” San Antonio native, Christian Garza, grew up riding dirt bikes, watching Animal Planet, and playing outside. Like many children, he […]
Savannah Lopes
Savannah defines energy as “the source which helps ease everyone’s life, allowing people to work/travel at any time of the day or night. It is an important source that is used in everyone’s life and is crucial to the evolution and growth of technology” San Antonio native and Fox Tech High School/East Central High school […]
Christina Zhang
How does Christina define energy? Christina defines energy as, “the quantitative potential for a system to do work, such as that which can be translated into motion, causing transformation, or overcoming resistance. It is what drives processes on Earth and human civilization.” Student Profile Christina Zhang, a former Clements high school student from Richmond, Texas, […]
Ethan Apawan
How does Ethan describe energy? Ethan Apawan describes energy as, “a resource that allows people to power machines and the world around us. Energy can be made in different ways, and it is essential to the way of life most humans have today.” Student profile Ethan Apawan, a San Antonio native and Brandeis High School […]