Where is Our Water in 2024? 

Water is often regarded as a renewable resource, given its continuous circulation through the hydrological cycle. However, despite its seemingly endless accessibility some people have, water is not an unlimited commodity. It is true that the planet is rich with water, yet not all of it is readily accessible or clean. Freshwater, the lifeblood of communities worldwide, is the key to sustaining life and supporting ecosystems. Yet, there’s a critical distinction between freshwater that exists and freshwater that is clean, potable, and readily available for human consumption.

Tackling The Trades in 2024

In recent years, the landscape of career opportunities has undergone significant changes, with trade professions emerging as a cornerstone of the modern workforce. Whether you’re a student exploring future career paths or a seasoned professional contemplating a career change, delving into the trades in 2024 could hold immense potential and promise.

Building the Future: Sustainable Schools Leading the Way

In today’s rapidly changing world, the need for sustainability and environmental responsibility has never been more critical. What better place to build a better tomorrow than the institutions responsible for educating our future leaders? Schools have the power to inspire their students to be green ambassadors through many avenues. Thankfully, new research and technology have […]

Harnessing the Energy of a Hurricane Through Energy Infrastructure

Hurricanes, also known as cyclones or typhoons, are immense weather situations characterized by powerful winds, heavy rains, and relentless storm surge flooding. Making them one of the most formidable natural phenomena on Earth. Because of these characteristics, hurricanes have traditionally been seen as a dreadful and destructive force, leaving behind nothing but a trail of devastation in its wake. After all, their ability to disrupt the supply chains, foment accidents, and destroy property has cost communities billions. Flooding, fallen trees, and wind damage individually can cause extensive losses, especially regarding power generation. 

From Tides to Turbines: Unleashing Sustainable Energy from the Sea

In a world full of unpredictable circumstances, there is nothing more refreshing than the consistency mother nature has to offer. We may not be able to predict the future, but in the end, we can rest assured that the sun, moon, and stars will rise and fall in their usual pattern each day and night. As will the tides. When it comes to energy, regularity is an indispensable advantage. After all, solar energy is harnessed most effectively when sunny days are guaranteed, and oil and gas are most reliable when access to fossil fuels is abundant. Unfortunately, neither case is certain. 

Navigating a Career in Energy Policy and Advocacy

In a world, ever more attuned to the pressing need for environmentally conscious solutions, the realm of energy policy and advocacy emerges as a game changing arena of action. This exciting domain has the potential to not only shape the trajectory of energy systems—it has the power to manipulate the very fabric of our global commitment to a greener future.

From E-Waste to Ecosystems: Finding Sustainability in the Tech Industry

The era of rapid technological advancements and ever-increasing consumer culture is in full swing. Thanks to energy and innovation, our lives have rapidly become intertwined with smartphones, computers, cars, and other forms of personal technology. They have allowed people to access a level of convenience, comfort, and communication never before seen. 

How Solar Power Can Save the Bees 

Scientists estimate that 35% of the world’s food production and 75% of its flowering plants rely on bees and other pollinators. These insects and animals were once a flourishing part of the ecosystem. Many even considered them pests. However, as the planet began to experience the effects of climate change, and pollution, the delicate ecosystems […]

The Power of Trees

Trees are incredibly important in the fight against climate change. They play a pivotal role in reducing the greenhouse effect by absorbing and storing carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. Through this process, trees help to reduce the number of greenhouse gasses that build up in the atmosphere, consequently mitigating the effects of climate change exponentially. In fact, trees are often even referred to as “carbon sinks” because of the incredible amounts of CO2 they can absorb and store throughout the course of their lives.

Thirst For Power at The Tobin Center 2023

Understanding the connection between water and energy is crucial for sustainable development. Water is a pillar for our well-being and is the main ingredient for everything from energy generation, cooling power plants, and transportation to agriculture and medicine. The use of one resource impacts the availability and demand for the other, making it vital to […]